Thursday, September 15, 2016

MUDRA : Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency

MUDRA felicitates small business units to get the loan required for setup or expansion of their businesses without any guarantee.

MUDRA Bank : Categories
i. Shishu
ii. Kishor
iii. Tarun

SHISHU Category :
a) It is for startups. All those businesses which are just have been started and need money to establish can avail loan upto 50000 in this category.

b) Interest Rate : 10-12%

KISHOR Category :
a) It is for the businesses which have been already started but not established yet, under this category they can avail the loan from 50K to 5lakh

b) Interest Rate : 14-16%

TARUN Category :
a) It is for already established business which want to expand their businesses, they can avail the loan from 5 Lakh to 10 Lakh

b) Interest Rate : 16% or more

How to Apply for Mudra Loan ?

Pre-Requirements :
a) Business Plan
b) Mudra Loan Application form (It can be availed later from the bank in which applied for loan)
c) ID proofs such as  Proof of Identity, Proof of address and Passport size photographs

Process :
1. Go to nearest eligible bank or financial institution along with your business idea and mudra loan application form.

2. Present all the ID proofs as per requirements and present your business idea to banker

3. Further complete other formalities as per bank instructions

* More than 5.5 cr micro units in india which seek fund for their businesses, which includes following,
a) Small industry
b) Small businessman
c) Repair man/woman
d) Vegetable Seller
e) Vehicle Driver
f) Street Vendor

To know more about mudra , please watch this:

For any further help you can mail to

Indian History - British Treaties : Subsidiary Alliances

It is not only the WAR which was adopted by britishers to expand their colonial area in india but also several diplomatic steps have been taken too which are known as Treaties. During company rule and afterwards, British crown rule extended and modified those treaties in their favour. One of the important treaty of that time is "Subsidiary Alliance" which profited them with new colonial states and also caused them new income sources to increase their business plans.

What is Subsidiary Alliance ?

Subsidiary alliance is a treaty between British company and Ruler of any state which needs protection  against other neighbour state. 

How it is executed ?

Britishers were well aware of the fact that there is no unity among different states of india of that time, so they supported one of the 2 states which were at war by showing them the fear of other state.
Further they carried this in 3 steps.

1. Britishers said, "We will support you in state of war against your neighbouring country and will fight along with you.". King of that state agreed upon this as britishers equipped with modern technology of war and definitely it will be hard for enemy country to stand against those weapons.

2. After some time britishers said to the king, "We are very different in respect of war techniques, you still use swords and other old techniques which causes conflict among us while fighting, so from now on, you should not provide your army to us but only money". King again agreed to this as they thought it would cause them less casualty now and only money can solve their purpose.

3. Further Britishers told the kings "What if your neighbour states again make war attempt then how you will secure your boundaries. So let us set up our cantonment in your state permanently, so we can save you from any outside force. " They further added that instead of money, kings should give them the land, on which they will collect taxes from farmers.

What was the push force to britishers for making Subsidiary alliance with native states ?
Nepolian, the ruler, which came into force after french revolution , he want to overtake the rule of britishers in all of their colonies and India was the biggest one, So Britishers want to secure india from the rule of nepolian and want to keep native states as buffer state to save themselves.

Under the treaty when defence is no longer in control of the king of native states, so britishers asked to the kings that as your defence is handled by us, so your diplomatic decision will also be managed by us only and hence Diplomatic powers are also transferred into hands of britishers.

Major key points included in the treaty:
1. Defence and Diplomacy will be handled by britishers of any native state which signed the Subsidiary treaty.

2. Instead of money kings will provide the land to the East India Company to pay the charges of their security and EIC will levy the taxes from that land

3. No European(Francis) will be  in the service of king.

4. A British Resident would sit in the court of king which will not interfere in the proceeding of the court but that is merely a cover of interference by britishers in the policies of king.

Outcomes : 
Loss to Kings :
1. King is almost powerless without diplomatic power.
2. To save the expenses, king dismissed his army on the suggestion of britishers
3. All the expenses of the britisher army would be bear by king only.
4. Drain of wealth to England.

Gain to Britishers :
1. Fear of French and other enemy state to britishers is now lessened.
2. Setup of Army troops in every corner of the country that is also on the cost of princely states.

Stages of Development:
1. Awadh (1765) - subsidiary ally in the initial form
2. Mysore (1799)
3. Awadh (1801)
4. Peshwaha (1801) - 2nd Anglo - maratha war
Bhonsle, Scindia, Jodhpur,  Jaipur etc.